"God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus."
This is an introductory quote from one of Max Lucado's popular books, "Just Like Jesus: Learning to Have a Heart Like His." I chose to refer to this book, because today I have been listening to a song (the one I posted in this message) and I felt it had a great message so I wanted to find a good book to go with it.
Max Lucado talked about how God loves you just the way you are and how we should not confuse His love with the love of people. Whereas the love of people is often based on performance, God loves you right where you are. The author then gave a beautiful analogy of what it would be like if, for one day, Jesus were to become you. He raised some great questions that I challenge us all to ask ourselves: Would your priorities change? Would those around you detect more joy? Would you treat the less fortunate the same? And your friends and family?
The main message I'm hoping to send is a reminder to be open to God's leading in your life. See people the way He sees them. See trials, struggles, and daily circumstances the way He does. Ask Him to open your eyes, ears, mind, and heart the way Shawn McDonald does in the song posted.
I pray the Lord stirs something in you and you have a desire to let Him live through you even more today. Let His light be the light that directs your actions.
God bless,
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